I remember my English teachers always asking “what is the turning point in this book?” At 13 years old, I didn’t really grasp the importance of turning points, not really having experienced any in my short time on the planet. It wasn’t until much later that I really lit up from recognizing the turning points for characters in books and movies. Now I am taking it to another level, identifying the turning points in my own life. Think about this for yourself…how many pivotal moments in your life can you identify? How have you developed from these times and how did life change for you?

I am at a major turning point in my life right now. I used to pride myself on being independent, never needing help from anyone. I viewed asking for help as a sign of weakness. Creating Onesta has taken me from surviving to thriving. Onesta has ripped the sides off my boxed in life and life is now spilling out into uncharted areas, growing and infecting people with passion. My view has completely changed. As I am spreading the word about Onesta, people are excited and truly want to help and be part of what I am creating. Instead of pushing people away and doing it alone, I am now inviting people to help me and be part of Onesta. The power of Onesta grows exponentially with each person that takes part in the project. It is the connections with people and helping others that makes life bigger. I can’t believe it has taken me this long to grasp this concept… Duh!

I invite you to share your turning points with me, however big or small.